Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thoughts on GKGW Series: The Best Time for Parenting

The aim of parenting is to train the heart or conscience of the children.
Matthew 12: 34-35 says, "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him. The evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him."

We want to train our children to be :

a) God oriented;
"Love your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind".

b) Others oriented;
" Love your neighbour as yourself".

Parenting will be done differently during the non conflict times and conflict times. The Ezzos taught us that the majority of parenting should be done in the non conflict times. Thus devotionals is of extreme importance to our children. This is the time when the heart and mind of both the parent and children are at peace. We are clear of what we want teach them and the children are receptive to what we teach.
During conflict times, much effort is spent on finding out what happens and after that administrating the proper steps/ punishments to correct the children's behaviour. Most of the time, the conflict will involve other adults and other children. Thus, it is also a time for managing and resolving the conflicts. Conflict times are nevertheless necessary because it is when our children's sins and weaknesses are exposed. There is definitely some heart-ache for the parents but it is an excellent opportunity to correct our children's heart.
Personally, I believe the best time for parenting is during the non conflict times. I will be sharing my thoughts on devotionals in the next few articles.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thoughts on GKGW Series: Lucifer's Hatred

We talked about wonderful husand-wife relationship previously. I will like to start out by asking ourselves this question: "How is our marriage fairing?" Some of our answers might be: "Great! Its has never been so good." Some might answer:" We are ok. There are a couple of things we are working on. Overall we are ok." These answers are certainly encouraging.

Brothers, let us ask oursleves another question:" In our marriage, is there an unspoken agreement with our wife that says something like this: I love you and I have an intimate relationship with you. In fact, I have given you so much more than other man would have given to their wives out there in the world. I am sure you ought to be happy. You know, I am sure you know that, as much I am willing to grow closer to you, there is this line I will not cross. Beyond this line, you get too compicated and I can't handle it, we will get hurt. So you and I agree that this is as far as I will come close to you." Give a few minutes to think deeply about this question. If you are very sure you don't have this unspoken agreement, close this article and carry on what you were doing. Otherwise, let us explore deeper.

Like you who are reading on, I have this unspoken agreement in my marriage. I would say: "But, but it is my wife who forced me to have this agreement. I had no choice. You see,when I tried to get closer, she launches this defense mechanism that wants me to do this, to do that, to change this , to change that; It is just beyond me lah." This sounds so, so "reasonable" at first. But you and I know that it is a pathetic excuse and even more pathetic to form this agreement.

How did this agreement form? Did I talk to my wife and agree on it ? No. Did my wife discuss with me and agree on it? No. Then how did it form? Ah, you see, it is because my wife and I understand each other so much that we need not talk and still form the agreement in our minds. You must be laughing now. Of course it couldn't be formed this way. Or could it be? Was there a third voice talking to me through all this?

Yes. You must guessed it by now. The third voice is Lucifer. He does not want our wives to be loved to the fullest and he spoke this agreement into our minds.

Lucifer hates man and woman because we are make in God's image. But Lucifer's first hatred is towards woman.

Let us explore the scriptures. Satan was first called Lucifer, son of the morning. He was an angel full of glory, brightness and radiance.

Ezekiel 28:12-14 talks about the splendor and beauty of Lucifer:

"You were the model of perfection,

full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

You were in Eden, the garden of God;

Every precious stone adorned you:

ruby, topaz and emerald, Chrysolite, onyx and jasper,

sapphire, turquoise and beryl.

Your settings and mountings were made of gold;

on the day you were created they were prepared.

You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you.

You were on the holy mount of God;

You walked among the fiery stones."

Lucifer was perfect in beauty. But pride crept into his heart and caused his downfall.

Ezekiel 28:17 says:

"Your heart became proud on account of your beauty,

and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendour."

Brothers, Lucifer fell because of his pride. His heart for revenge is to assault the beauty. His first hatred is toward the woman.

In the garden of Eden, who did Lucifer attack ? He attacked Eve and deceived her. Because Eve was the beauty. Adam was mascular perhaps but not a beauty.In the same way, the unspoken agreement was put in our minds by Lucifer to harm our wives and our marriage.

What can we do about it since we now know Lucifer's scheme ? In the garden of Eden, when God asked Adam why he ate the forbidden fruit, Adam answered that it was Eve's fault, he has no choice, he was 'forced' to. Hmm, sounds familiar. Now let us asked ourselves, when Lucifer deceived Eve, where was Adam? My God, Adam was right there! He was right there beside Eve and he did nothing to stop Lucifer.

Brothers, let us not be like Adam. Let us take courage and destroy the unpsoken agreement. Let us cross the enemy line and draw ever closer to our wives. We will be wounded definitely because our weakness will be exposed, there will be uncertainty and there will be risk. But let us remember what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:30, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness".

In the movie "Behind Enemy Lines", when Owen Wilson crossed the enemy line, his fighter jet took the enemy's missiles and he took the enemy's bullets. But what kept him fighting for survival was the hope that the special forces on the aircraft carrier will come to rescue him. The special forces came and guess what , the Admiral was personally leading the rescue mission.

Brothers, in our marriage, we will be wounded when we cross that enemy line. Lucifer will make sure of that. But we have the special forces with us, our brothers in our small group. We need to bring our wounds to each other, pray for each other and God will heal our wounds. And when we are healed, we will have the renewed energy to go back to fight to love our wives deeper.

I certainly want to repent and take courage in destroying the unspoken agreement and crossing that enemy line. With the special forces behind me, I believe I can take my marriage higher and deeper, always.

Side Note
I was pretty bothered by my lack of evangelism recently. While I was writing this article, it dawned on me that my wounds from my evangelism efforts was not been healed. The sarcastic looks ,sarcastic remarks, rejections still hurts me. I need to bring the wounds to the special forces to talk about it and pray for healing.

Thoughts on GKGW Series: Priority Relationship

The Ezzos taught us that the priority relationship before a good parent-child relationship can be established is a good husband-wife relationship. The Ezzos wrote: " The greatest overall influence that you're going to have in parenting will not come while your are in your role as a mother and father, but rather while you are in your role as a husband and wife. "

Interestingly, the non christian community teaches this concept as a parenting principle also. I was reading the book " Essential Parenting Tips" published by Ministry of Community Development and Sports and one of the tips was this: " The best gift for a child is a harmonious relationship between parents". The book went on to give examples how couples can show love and appreciation for each other in front of their child. What a great gift from God to the community.

Nevertheless, God has reserved the greatest treasure for those who believes and obeys him. There is a priority relationship before a wonderful husband-wife relationship can be established. This relationship is our relationship with God himself. Our intimacy and walk with our heavenly father is the most important. An awesome relationship with God leads to a wonderful husband-wife relationship. A wonderful husband-wife relationship leads to a great parent-child relationship.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Thoughts on GKGW Series: Why I am Writing

What a memory we had of the Fridays when we all came together for the Growing Kids God's Way (GKGW) lessons at Edmund and Dominique's place. We learnt great principles and techniques about parenting and also we had incredible food.

After the lessons were over, I decided to do my own bible study on the GKGW series so that the principles and techniques will be rooted in my parenting. I have completed the study and would like to share with your my thoughts. During this time, I have also read "Wild at Heart" and "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge in the context of parenting. Thus I have got a couple of ideas from these 2 books and incorporated them into GKGW.

I will be presenting my thoughts in a number of articles and I hope to finish posting them before mid November 07. The presentation format will be slightly different from how the Ezzos did it. Because I have used the technique of mind mapping to re-arrange the concepts so that it was easier for me to remember and put them into practice.

The following articles will be posted in the next couple of weeks:
1) Priorty relationship
2) Lucifer's hatred
3) The best time for parenting
4) Devotionals: More than just instructions on behaviour
5) Devotionals: We need not be perfect
6) Some devotional topics from GKGW
7) The father's mandate
8) Approving what is excellent: Freedom to be adventurous
9) The wound of wrong parenting: Prohibitive conscience

Happy reading and I look forward to your comments.